Flow Limited Edition

is an invitation to observe the in-betweens of life.
The highs and lows, movement and stillness, uncertainty, and clarity.

And just to let yourself be...

Flow Limited Edition 


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Here and Now

Flow reflects the spirit of this period in time. When we are facing challenges and adapting to the new normal. A global crisis that shuffled all the cards, accelerated many processes, exposed our emotions and focused people on their life choices.

Gentle and Powerful

Flow is a gentle yet powerful tool designed to support the experience of mindfulness and presence.

Perfect for self-exploration, working one on one and offers a wide range of facilitation solutions when working with groups.

Flow Limited Edition

Flow Limited Edition includes:

A Golden Ticket to a live workshop Hello Flow 


✔  A personal note from Efrat and Yaron


✔  5 Limited Edition extra cards  


✔  65 Photo cards 


✔  12 Layout cards  


✔  4 Blank Layout cards  


✔  4 Focus cards  


✔  An inspirational book  


✔  In Collector’s item Numbered box!  

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